- SGF Members are Christ-followers. We each can validate the corporate Mission Strategy for our personal lives. (What is true for "us" is true for "each.")
- After 3-4 months of being linked to a Home Church, you can choose to cast your lot with us. Be called by our name. Knit your hearts with ours. Be family.
- Too-quick membership is something we want to protect ourselves from. We've seen before how quick-to-commit people have created wounds in the body when they've decided (whimsically) to move on to another church. The waiting period of several months is to protect us from prematurely committing ourselves to you.
- If you're not sure after 3-4 months, you can extend your "Linked" period for another several months without becoming a member of SGF.
- If you have been linked with us for a prolonged period, it becomes time to choose. We love you, but if you're not coming "in," then we'd rather have you "out" than undecided.
- During the winter you'll hear me call to my kids: "Come in or go out, but quit standing in the doorway!"
- On the highway I've been known to mutter at other drivers "Okay, Buddy, choose a lane, any lane..."
- It's not safe for our members, who have chosen to make their lives vulnerable to each other, to have permanent-visitors who are not similarly committed.
The Process
> Visitor Phase
> Linked Friends
> SGF Membership